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Human health impact and advanced chemical analysis of fructoborates: a comprehensive review
Chemical Papers ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s11696-024-03428-z
Simona Butan , Veronica Filimon , Alexandra V. Bounegru

Fructoborates are essential nutritional compounds which have garnered significant attention, due to their impact on human health. Recent studies have also identified fructoborates in other sources, such as certain leafy greens, tubers and medicinal plants, such as ginseng roots. This review delves into the intricacies of their natural occurrence, chemical properties and the myriad of health benefits associated with their consumption. Particular emphasis is placed on calcium fructoborate, given its high content of boron, calcium and fructose, and its profound effects on bone health, cardiovascular function, metabolic syndrome and inflammation. Advanced analytical methods, including spectroscopy and chromatography, are also discussed for their role in detecting and quantifying fructoborates in dietary supplements and other matrices. The review concludes with a look at future research directions, emphasizing the need for further studies on their bioavailability, absorption mechanisms long-term safety and efficacy. However, it is important to mention that there is a predominant focus on recent studies regarding boron and boric acid, with fewer studies concentrating on the specific effects of fructoborates. Additionally, the significant variability at the individual level in response to fructoborates may pose a challenge, considering that individual reactions can vary based on genetic factors, lifestyle and overall health status. Certainly, the evolving research landscape surrounding fructoborates suggests a promising avenue for exploring their potential applications in the development of novel therapeutics and dietary interventions.



