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Scheme of carrier cooperation with coordinated scheduling for faster and lower-cost failure/disaster recovery
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1364/jocn.513526
Sugang Xu , Subhadeep Sahoo , Sifat Ferdousi , Noboru Yoshikane , Masaki Shiraiwa , Yusuke Hirota , Massimo Tornatore , Takehiro Tsuritani , Yoshinari Awaji , Biswanath Mukherjee

Large-scale carrier networks are fundamental ICT infrastructures that support future 5G/6G services, and their resilience is a primary societal concern. Differently from single-carrier networks (in which one carrier owns multiple networks), in multi-carrier network ecosystems (in which the networks in the fields are operated by different carriers), cooperation among such different carriers is crucial to achieve resilience against large-scale failures. However, such cooperation is challenging since carriers may not disclose confidential information, e.g., detailed resource availability. In this study, we investigate how to perform carrier cooperative recovery in the case of large-scale failures/disasters. We propose two-stage carrier-carrier cooperative recovery planning by incorporating a coordinated scheduling for faster recovery. Through numerical evaluation, we confirm the potential benefit of carrier cooperation in terms of both recovery time and recovery cost reduction.


