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Gender and Deindustrialization: A Transnational Historiographical Review
International Labor and Working-Class History ( IF 0.563 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1017/s0147547924000024
Jackie Clarke , Arthur McIvor , Anna McEwan , Sinead Burns

This contribution takes stock of the growing research on deindustrialization from a gender perspective. Much of the work in deindustrialization studies is rooted in local studies, within single national contexts. This article provides a perspective that cuts across case studies and national historiographies. It reviews findings on the implications of deindustrialization for working-class masculinities and considers the extent to which research has privileged a focus on white masculinity in crisis (a theme which is more present in some national contexts than others). The article goes on to show how a more complex and nuanced understanding of gender, class, and race is emerging. It highlights women workers’ experience of deindustrialization and considers the ways in which deindustrialization is associated with a restructuring of gender relations. Acknowledging some of the limitations of the current state of research, the article points to a number of potential avenues for further enquiry.



