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Multi-label classification with imbalanced classes by fuzzy deep neural networks
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-09 , DOI: 10.3233/ica-240736
Federico Succetti , Antonello Rosato , Massimo Panella

Multi-label classification is an advantageous technique for managing uncertainty in classification problems where each data instance is associated with several labels simultaneously. Such situations are frequent in real-world scenarios, where decisions rely on imprecise or noisy data and adaptableclassification methods are preferred. However, the problem of class imbalance represents a common characteristic of several multi-label datasets, in which the distribution of samples and their corresponding labels is non-uniform across the data space. In this paper, we propose a multi-label classification approach utilizing fuzzy logic in order to deal with the class imbalance problem. To eliminate the need for an expert to determine the logical rules of inference, deep neural networks are adopted, which have proven to be exceptionally effective for such problems. By combining both fuzzy inference systems and deep neural networks, the strengths and weaknesses of each approach can be mitigated. As a further development, a symbolic representation of time series is put in place to reduce data dimensionality and speed up the training procedure. This allows for more flexibility in model application, in particular with respect to time constraints arising from the causality of observed time series. Tests carried out on a multi-label classification dataset related to the current and voltage profiles of several household appliances show that the proposed model outperforms four baseline models for time series classification.


