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Development and characterization of ceramic-polymeric hybrid scaffolds for bone regeneration: incorporating of bioactive glass BG-58S into PDLLA matrix
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/09205063.2024.2334981
Veronica Cristina Pêgo Fiebig Aguiar 1 , Rayssa do Nascimento Bezerra 2 , Kennedy Wallace dos Santos 1, 2 , Isabela dos Santos Gonçalves 1 , Karen Julie Santos Grancianinov Costa 2 , Diogo Ponte Lauda 2 , Tiago Moreira Bastos Campos 3 , Renata Falchete do Prado 4 , Luana Marotta Reis de Vasconcellos 4 , Ivone Regina de Oliveira 1

In recent years, there has been a notable surge of interest in hybrid materials within the biomedical field, particularly for applications in bone repair and regeneration. Ceramic-polymeric hybrid ...


用于骨再生的陶瓷聚合物混合支架的开发和表征:将生物活性玻璃 BG-58S 纳入 PDLLA 基质
