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“Electron-donating effect” of element S and “electron-accepting effect” of element N in regulating the interfacial contact electrification
Nano Energy ( IF 17.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2024.109547
Jie Yang , Shiyi Ge , Zixiong Fan , Tinghao Jia , Yao Yang , Zhengliang Huang , Jingdai Wang , Yongrong Yang

Enhancing the surface charge density through interface modification is crucial for the design of triboelectric energy harvesting devices (triboelectric nanogenerator, TENG). Based on the electron transfer theory, loading electron-accepting elements (F, S) on the material surface will enhance the negative charge, and loading electron-donating elements (N) will enhance the positive charge. However, this paper finds a new electron-transfer regulation effect that is completely contrary to that mentioned above both in contact electrification of material-identical solid materials and liquid-solid interface. In the contact electrification of identical materials, the electron-accepting element S enhances the positive charge, while the electron-donating element N enhances the negative charge. More liquid-solid interfacial contact electrification experiments based on the droplet-triboelectric nanogenerator (Droplet-TENG) show that if the solid material is negatively charged after contacting with water droplet, loading the element S on the solid will enhance the negative charge, and loading the element N will enhance the positive charge. Unexpectedly, if the solid material is positively charged after contacting with water droplet, loading the element S on the solid will enhance the positive charge, and loading the element N will enhance the negative charge. Namely, in the contact electrification of material-identical solid materials and special liquid-solid interface, element S actually becomes “electron-donating” and element N actually becomes “electron-accepting”. We infer that the effect of elements on electron-transfer is directly related to the fundamental electron transfer direction of the material. This work can provide totally new perspective for the regulation of interfacial triboelectric behavior and material surface design of TENG.


