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Valeh abbasi., Heshmatollah R., Mohammad Ali T‐G., & Ali B. (2024) Angular leaf spot of Caucasian alder incited by a pathovar of Xanthomonas arboricola. Forest Pathology, 54(1), e12847
Forest Pathology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1111/efp.12854

The author affiliations in the published version were incorrect and the corrected version is as follows.

Valeh abbasi1, Heshmatollah Rahimian1, Mohammad Ali Tajick-Ghanbari1 and Ali Barzegar2.

1Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agronomy Sciences, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University (SANRU), Iran.

2Department of Basic Sciences, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University (SANRU), Iran.

We apologize for this error.


Valeh abbasi.、Heshmatollah R.、Mohammad Ali T-G. 和 Ali B. (2024) 由木纹黄单胞菌 (Xanthomonas arboricola) 致病菌引起的高加索桤木角斑病。森林病理学,54(1),e12847


Valeh abbasi 1、Heshmatollah Rahimian 1、Mohammad Ali Tajick-Ghanbari 1和 Ali Barzegar 2

1伊朗萨里农业科学和自然资源大学 (SANRU) 农学科学学院植物保护系。

2伊朗萨里农业科学与自然资源大学 (SANRU) 基础科学系。

