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Peroxyacetyl nitrate can be used as a comprehensive indicator of air pollution complex
Environmental Pollution ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123905
Yanyu Kang , Yinghong Wang , Mengtian Cheng , Qin Wang , Xiaojuan Huang , Baoxian Liu , Yiming Wang , Guiqian Tang

With the acceleration of air cleaning activities in China, air pollution has entered a new stage characterized by seasonal interplay and predominance of fine particulate matter (PM) and ozone (O) pollutants. However, the differing peak seasons of these two pollution preclude the use of a unified indicator for air pollution complex. Given that peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) originates from secondary formation and persists under low-temperature conditions for extended periods, it is vital to determine whether its concentration can be used as an indicator to represent air pollution, not only in summer but also in winter. Here, PAN observational data from 2018 to 2022 for Beijing were analyzed. The results showed that during photochemical pollution events in summer, secondary formation of PAN was intense and highly correlated with O (R = 0.8), while during PM pollution events in winter, when the lifetime of PAN is extended due to the low temperature, the PAN concentration was highly consistent with the PM concentration (R = 0.9). As a result, the PAN concentration essentially exhibited consistency with both the seasonal trends in the exceedance of air pollution (R = 0.6) and the air quality index (R = 0.8). When the daily average concentration exceeds 0.5 and 0.9 ppb, the PAN concentration can be used as a complementary indicator of the occurrence of primary and secondary standard pollution, respectively. This study demonstrated the unique role of PAN as an indicator of air pollution complex, highlighting the comprehensive ability for air quality characterization and reducing the burden of atmospheric environment management.