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Loose to compact feature alignment for domain adaptive object detection
Pattern Recognition Letters ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2024.03.021
Yang Li , Shanshan Zhang , Yunan Liu , Jian Yang

Recently, great achievements have been made for deep learning based object detection methods. But their performance drops significantly when domain shifts occur. To address this problem, in this work we propose a loose to compact feature alignment method under an unsupervised domain adaptation framework. The entire feature alignment is performed in a manner, so as to distribute the alignment difficulties at two steps. At the first step, we loosen the goal at both image and instance levels. At the image level, a new Mask Guided Foreground Alignment (MGFA) module is proposed to make the alignment focus more on easier foreground regions, leaving the more diverse and more difficult background regions to the second step; at the instance level, we propose a Class-Wise Instance Alignment (CWIA) module with separated domain classifiers for different categories so as to ease the alignment. At the second step, the alignment is performed per pixel and per instance, achieving a more compact and better aligned feature space. We conduct experiments on three different adaptation scenarios, where we achieve comparable results, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed method.


