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Electronic transport and optical properties of five different phases (α, β, ε, δ and γ) of Ga2O3: A first-principles study
Physica B: Condensed Matter ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2024.415888
Jiaqi Ding , Yan Liu , Xiyu Gu , Li Zhang , Xiaodong Zhang , Xiang Chen , Wenjuan Liu , Yao Cai , Shishang Guo , Chengliang Sun

In the field of power and ultraviolet devices, GaO becomes an emerging semiconductor due to its large energy bandgap and suitable optical absorption wavelength at solar blind ultraviolet band. In this work, the electronic and optical properties of five GaO polymorphs are investigated by the first-principles calculations to study their potential in ultraviolet devices. The geometry structures, electronic structure, optical and electronic transport properties of five polymorphs have been investigated through GGA + U approach and deformation potential theory. Based on the deformation potential theory, the anisotropic electron mobility of five GaO polycrystals is obtained by analyzing the parameters obtained from the first-principles calculation. TCAD simulations using calculation results before show the spectral response of MSM solar-blind detectors based on five polymorphs, and indicating that ε-GaO is the best candidate material for solar blind UV detector. This work provides theoretical insights for the preparation of different phase gallium oxide materials and devices.


Ga2O3 五个不同相(α、β、ε、δ 和 γ)的电子输运和光学性质:第一性原理研究
