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Suicide While Locked Up in Texas: Risk Factors for Death by Suicide in Custody
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.621 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241243366
Rocky B. Marks 1 , Nicole Moreira 1 , Katherine L. O’Connell 1 , Alera Hearne 1 , Keyne C. Law 1

In the United States, suicide is a leading cause of death in prisons and jails, with incarcerated individuals being nine times more likely to die by suicide than the general population. Identifying vulnerabilities at each stage of custody (prebooking, jail, prison) and factors that increase suicide risk can improve prevention efforts. A hierarchical binary logistic regression was conducted on data from the Texas Justice Initiative’s Deaths in Custody Report. Variables included race/ethnicity, sex, age at death, days in custody, classification of crime as violent or nonviolent, and custody type of prebooking, jail, or prison. Among main effects, when compared to suicide rates in prison, jail suicide deaths were over three and a half times more likely ( OR = 3.61), and the period of prebooking emerged as a period of staggering risk of suicide death, with suicides being over 5,000% more likely than at other stages of custody ( OR = 50.86). When interactions were entered, Latinx individuals were at a particularly increased risk of suicide death ( OR = 10.46), likelihood of suicide death decreased with each year of age ( OR = .89), nonviolent offenders were just under three and a half times more likely to die by suicide when compared to violent offenders ( OR = 3.45), and each stage of custody was shown to affect the relationship between age-related rates of suicide in different ways. Results call for further investigation into suicide among understudied populations in corrections, such as Latinx individuals, juveniles in the prison system, and nonviolent offenders, to identify the groups at the highest risk of premature death in correctional systems.



在美国,自杀是监狱和看守所中死亡的主要原因,被监禁者自杀死亡的可能性是普通人群的九倍。识别各个羁押阶段(预约、入狱、监狱)的漏洞以及增加自杀风险的因素可以改善预防工作。对来自德克萨斯州司法倡议的拘留期间死亡报告的数据进行了分层二元逻辑回归。变量包括种族/族裔、性别、死亡年龄、拘留天数、犯罪分类为暴力或非暴力,以及预先预订、监狱或监狱的拘留类型。主要影响中,与监狱内自杀率相比,监狱内自杀死亡的可能性高出三倍半以上(OR = 3.61),并且预先预定的时期成为自杀死亡风险惊人的时期,自杀人数超过比其他拘留阶段的可能性高 5,000% (OR = 50.86)。当输入互动时,拉丁裔个体的自杀死亡风险特别增加(OR = 10.46),自杀死亡的可能性随着年龄的增长而下降(OR = .89),非暴力犯罪者的自杀死亡风险略高于三倍半与暴力犯罪者相比,自杀者更有可能死于自杀(OR = 3.45),并且每个拘留阶段都以不同的方式影响与年龄相关的自杀率之间的关系。研究结果要求进一步调查惩教中未被研究的人群(例如拉丁裔个体、监狱系统中的青少年和非暴力罪犯)的自杀情况,以确定惩教系统中过早死亡风险最高的群体。