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First workshop on cervix cancer surgery in Latin America: a hands-on experience from Lima, Perú
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: 10.1136/ijgc-2024-005483
Joan Flaubert Perez Villena , Marco Sánchez Salcedo , Absalon Montoya Guivin , Vladimir Villoslada Terrones , Aldo Lopez Blanco

Cervical cancer represents a major public health issue for Latin American countries, with an estimate of 63 056 new cases and 33 443 deaths annually, according to recent GLOBOCAN reports. Unfortunately, most patients are diagnosed with locally advanced stages. In Perú, the Instituto Nacional de



宫颈癌是拉丁美洲国家的一个主要公共卫生问题,根据 GLOBOCAN 最近的报告,估计每年有 63 056 例新病例和 33 443 例死亡。不幸的是,大多数患者被诊断时已处于局部晚期。在秘鲁,国家研究所