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Towards Practical Meshlet Compression
arXiv - CS - Graphics Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: arxiv-2404.06359
Bastian Kuth, Max Oberberger, Felix Kawala, Sander Reitter, Sebastian Michel, Matthäus Chajdas, Quirin Meyer

We propose a codec specifically designed for meshlet compression, optimized for rapid data-parallel GPU decompression within a mesh shader. Our compression strategy orders triangles in optimal generalized triangle strips (GTSs), which we generate by formulating the creation as a mixed integer linear program (MILP). Our method achieves index buffer compression rates of 16:1 compared to the vertex pipeline and crack-free vertex attribute quantization based on user preference. The 15.5 million triangles of our teaser image decompress and render in 0.59 ms on an AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX.



我们提出了一种专为网格压缩而设计的编解码器,针对网格着色器内的快速数据并行 GPU 解压缩进行了优化。我们的压缩策略在最佳广义三角形带 (GTS) 中对三角形进行排序,这是通过将创建公式化为混合整数线性程序 (MILP) 来生成的。与顶点管道和基于用户偏好的无裂纹顶点属性量化相比,我们的方法实现了 16:1 的索引缓冲区压缩率。我们的预告片图像的 1550 万个三角形在 AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX 上解压缩并渲染只需 0.59 毫秒。