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Experimental study of IVR-ERVC CHF limits for CAP1400
Progress in Nuclear Energy ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pnucene.2024.105193
Jinquan Yan , Mingguang Zheng , Kemei Cao , Ning Guo , Kun Zhang , Jiayun Wang , Wei Lu

In-Vessel Retention (IVR) is designed as one of the key mitigation strategies for Chinese Advanced Passive pressurized water reactor (CAP1400), to keep melt corium retaining in reactor pressure vessel (RPV) under severe accidents situations. External Reactor Vessel Cooling (ERVC) is selected as the main measure to achieve the purpose of IVR. The key safety evaluation criteria for the effectiveness of IVR is that the heat flux on the RPV outer wall surface is less than the Critical Heat Flux (CHF). In order to investigate the CHF limit values, the relevant experimental projects had been conducted for CAP1400 plants, and we obtained the preliminary data. However, the CHF limit values are influenced by many factors, but current researches about these factors are not enough. Based on the full-height experimental facility, we conducted the CHF experiments, it is found that the system pressure, the surface characteristics of RPV (e.g. surface aging, etc.), different heat flux distributions, above 90° heating could have different influence on CHF limit values. In this paper, the experiment results and the preliminary analysis of these different influence factors are given. In these factors, some influence is complicated, for the factor of system pressure, there are two aspects of influence, and the overall enhancement of CHF limit values is about 10%, and for the surface aging effect, the experiment results show that the surface aging effect can enhance CHF limit values by more than 15%.