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Interactive exploration the pyramid coupling and forecasting of the economy, energy and air environment
Energy Reports ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2024.04.003
Huaxin Tian , Tao Wang , Wei Wang , Lifeng Wu

The interaction between different systems has become a necessity of the times. For the sake of adapting to the advocacy of green development, assessment of the interaction of economic, energy and air systems in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is worthy for sustainable development. With the aim of make the assessment results instructive in practice, a pyramid coupling model that objectively feeds back the degree of coupling between systems and an adjacent accumulative gray model that prioritizes new information are propose. The region is overall in the primary stage of coordination during the period under study. Within the region, Beijing is leading the way, while Tianjin is lagging relative behind. The prediction finds that only Hebei and Beijing will be good coordinated with the region by 2027, while Tianjin will be delayed until 2029. To achieve high quality development in the region, we have put forward some implementable recommendations and future directions for development.