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Degradable sugar-derived poly(vinyl ether ester)s by hydroxyl-yne click polymerization
European Polymer Journal ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2024.112997
Chuan-Yang Cui , Wei Chen , Hong-Ran Wang , Wei-Min Ren , Xiao-Bing Lu , Hui Zhou

The development of sustainable routes to degradable and bio-based polymers offers a promising solution to tackle the global plastic waste crisis. Herein, three hydroxyl functionalized propiolate bio-monomers have been selectively synthesized from D/L xylose and 2-deoxy-D-ribose, and polymerized hydroxyl-yne click polymerization catalyzed by commercially available organic amines. The polymerization smoothly proceeded at room temperature to produce sequence-defined poly(vinyl ether ester)s with high thermal stability and high glass transition temperatures, due to the introduction of the rigid cyclic structure and specific stereo-configuration into the polymer backbone. More importantly, the resultant sugar-based poly(vinyl ether ester)s can be selectively depolymerized employing 1-butanethiol in the presence of -heterocyclic carbene as organocatalyst, yielding thioacetal-functionalized monosaccharide derivatives in good to excellent yields.


