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In the land of not-unhappiness: On the state-of-the-art of targeting aging and age-related diseases by biomedical research
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mad.2024.111929
Eirini Klinaki , Mikolaj Ogrodnik

The concept of the Land of Not-Unhappiness refers to the potential achievement of eliminating the pathologies of the aging process. To inform of how close we are to settling in the land, we summarize and review the achievements of research on anti-aging interventions over the last hundred years with a specific focus on strategies that slow down metabolism, compensate for aging-related losses, and target a broad range of age-related diseases. We critically evaluate the existing interventions labeled as "anti-aging," such as calorie restriction, exercise, stem cell administration, and senolytics, to provide a down-to-earth evaluation of their current applicability in counteracting aging. Throughout the text, we have maintained a light tone to make it accessible to non-experts in biogerontology, and provide a broad overview for those considering conducting studies, research, or seeking to understand the scientific basis of anti-aging medicine.


