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Charged particle dynamics in Reissner–Nordström–Tangherlini spacetime
Physics of the Dark Universe ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dark.2024.101483
Ozodbek Rahimov , Bobir Toshmatov , Yuriy Vyblyi , Abdimirkhakim Akhmedov , Bahromjon Abdulazizov

In this paper we investigate the motion of electrically charged test particle orbiting electrically charged higher dimensional Reissner–Nordström black holes. Specifically, we analyze the radii of the photonsphere and shadow, the innermost stable circular orbits, and the capture cross section of charged particles across various dimensions of spacetime. Our study in the capture of the charged particle encompasses both relativistic and non-relativistic regimes. Our results reveal that the electromagnetic interaction between the black hole and the charged particle significantly influences the radii of all characteristic orbits and the capture cross sections, with the electromagnetic attraction (repulsion) between them leading to an increase (decrease) in these parameters.


