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Shelterwood Cutting in Allegheny Hardwoods
Journal of Forestry ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1093/jof/77.3.140
David A. Marquis 1

In a study of four levels of cutting (removal of none, one-third, two-thirds, or all of a fully stocked 55-year-old stand), removal of one-third of the basal area provided best conditions for the establishment of new seedlings of preferred species, especially black cherry. Height growth was limited, an indication that the remaining over-story should be removed in 5 to 10 years. Fern and grass cover increased after all levels of cutting on poorly drained soils, creating potential interference with the seedlings. These plants were not a problem on well-drained soils.



在一项四级砍伐(不砍伐、三分之一、三分之二或全部砍伐)的研究中,砍伐的 55 年树龄已满的林分,砍伐三分之一的基础面积为建立提供了最佳条件首选品种的新苗,尤其是黑樱桃。高度增长有限,这表明剩余的上层建筑应在 5 至 10 年内拆除。在排水不良的土壤上进行各级切割后,蕨类植物和草的覆盖面积增加,对幼苗造成潜在干扰。这些植物在排水良好的土壤上不成问题。