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Demonstration of MaskSearch: Efficiently Querying Image Masks for Machine Learning Workflows
arXiv - CS - Multimedia Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: arxiv-2404.06563
Lindsey Linxi Wei, Chung Yik Edward Yeung, Hongjian Yu, Jingchuan Zhou, Dong He, Magdalena Balazinska

We demonstrate MaskSearch, a system designed to accelerate queries over databases of image masks generated by machine learning models. MaskSearch formalizes and accelerates a new category of queries for retrieving images and their corresponding masks based on mask properties, which support various applications, from identifying spurious correlations learned by models to exploring discrepancies between model saliency and human attention. This demonstration makes the following contributions:(1) the introduction of MaskSearch's graphical user interface (GUI), which enables interactive exploration of image databases through mask properties, (2) hands-on opportunities for users to explore MaskSearch's capabilities and constraints within machine learning workflows, and (3) an opportunity for conference attendees to understand how MaskSearch accelerates queries over image masks.


MaskSearch 演示:高效查询机器学习工作流程的图像掩模

我们演示了 MaskSearch,这是一个旨在加速对机器学习模型生成的图像掩模数据库的查询的系统。 MaskSearch 形式化并加速了一种新的查询类别,用于根据掩模属性检索图像及其相应的掩模,支持各种应用,从识别模型学习到的虚假相关性到探索模型显着性和人类注意力之间的差异。该演示做出了以下贡献:(1) 引入了 MaskSearch 的图形用户界面 (GUI),它可以通过掩模属性对图像数据库进行交互式探索,(2) 为用户提供探索 MaskSearch 在机器学习中的功能和限制的实践机会工作流程,以及 (3) 为与会者提供了解 MaskSearch 如何加速图像掩模查询的机会。