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Scattered Acoustic Field Above a Rigid Rectangular Cuboid Shape in a Rigid Plane
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1142/s2591728524500038
A. Khanfir 1, 2 , J. Ducourneau 1 , A. Faiz 1 , R. Nasri 3 , P. Chevret 4

A model is presented for the scattered acoustic field above a bulky rigid cuboid shape in a rigid plane insonified by an acoustic field. The Kobayashi Potential method and the image sources method were used in order to derive the scattered acoustic field in a modal form. The incident source was then decomposed into plane waves. The total scattered field was determined by summing all the elementary scattered fields. This model was compared to finite element modeling and experimental results for three bulky cuboid shapes in an infinite rigid screen and a rectangular corner insonified by a spherical source. A good agreement between numerical and experimental results was obtained supporting the validity of the model.



