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Housing costs are not a monolith: The association between neighborhood energy burdens and eviction filing rates
Cities ( IF 6.077 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2024.104995
Megan E. Hatch , Michelle Graff

Housing cost burden, defined as the percentage of income spent on rent/mortgage and utilities, is a growing problem as rents, mortgage interest rates, electricity, and gas costs have all increased exponentially. Many studies on housing cost burden and housing precarity focus on families' overall housing costs, leaving an important component of housing precarity—energy bills—unexplored. The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between energy burdens, rent burdens, eviction filings, and neighborhood characteristics. Using cross-sectional Census tract level data from the Department of Energy, the American Community Survey, and Princeton University's Eviction Lab, we employ regression and mediation models to identify the relationship between energy burdens, rent burdens, and eviction filings and how these relationships change across neighborhood characteristics. We find average neighborhood energy burden is positively and significantly associated with eviction filing rates, holding rent burden constant. Both energy and rent burdens function are significant but substantively small mediators of the relationship between neighborhood poverty/race and eviction filing rates. Therefore, we encourage policymakers and advocates to consider coordinating housing and energy assistance opportunities, agencies to collect longitudinal data, and scholars to continue to disentangle the effects of various housing costs on outcomes, including evictions.


