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Interdisciplinary fetal neurology care: Current practice, challenges, and future directions
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.siny.2024.101523
Charu Venkatesan , DonnaMaria Cortezzo , Mounira Habli , Sonika Agarwal

As the field of fetal-neonatal neurology has expanded over the past 2 decades with increasingly complex diagnoses, multidisciplinary collaboration with many subspecialties including genetics, neonatology, obstetrics, maternal fetal medicine, surgical sub-specialties, cardiology, radiology, palliative care, and ethics has needed to evolve to strive to offer optimal patient care. While comprehensive care delivery with an inter-disciplinary approach is preferred, there are often barriers based on numerous health disparities especially in resource limited settings. Even in the context of comprehensive care, diagnostic and prognostic uncertainty lead to challenges for providers during fetal neurology consultations. We present a case that highlights advantages of a comprehensive multi-disciplinary team in caring for the medical and social challenges of patients faced with a fetal neurologic diagnosis. Inter-disciplinary training focusing on maternal, fetal, neonatal, and childhood neurodevelopmental course and collaboration among the numerous stakeholders that contribute to fetal neurology practice is needed to provide optimal counseling and care for families faced with a fetal neurological diagnosis.


