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Analytical Solution and Factors Influencing the Tunnel Plastic Zone under a Nonuniform Stress Field
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12205-024-1645-8
Ziwen Luo , Ru Zhang , Li Ren , Liangjuan Zheng , Zhilong Zhang , Zetian Zhang , Jing Xie , Lanbin Zhang

The size of plastic zone is an important parameter for determining the surrounding rock stability. In practical engineering, the initial rock environment is dominated by a nonuniform stress field, especially in areas with high tectonic stresses. To explore the plastic zone distribution of the tunnel surrounding rock under a nonuniform stress field, a new analytical solution for the plastic zone radius is proposed, and the reliability of the analytical results is verified with FLAC3D. Moreover, the influence of in situ stress and rock mass parameters on the plastic zone distribution is explored. Finally, the presented solution is verified with several existing engineering cases. The results show that under a nonuniform stress field, the cohesion, friction angle, and vertical stress greatly affect the plastic zone size; the lateral pressure coefficient dominates the plastic zone shape. The average error in determining the size of the plastic zone for the new analytical method is 14.6%, which is 36.1% and 49.9% more accurate than the point criterion method and the stress construction method, respectively. This work could provide a useful reference for predicting the plastic zone distribution and guiding tunnel engineering support with nonuniform stress fields.



