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Distinct elastic properties and their origins in glasses and gels
Nature Physics ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02456-6
Yinqiao Wang , Michio Tateno , Hajime Tanaka

Glasses and gels, common amorphous solids with diverse applications, share intriguing similarities, including rigidity without translational order and dynamic slowing during ageing. However, their various underlying differences have not yet been explained. Here, through simulations, we elucidate distinct elastic properties related to temperature, observation times and ageing in glasses and gels, uncovering the underlying mechanisms. Configurational constraints, characterized by vibrational mean-squared displacements, similarly impact shear and bulk moduli in gels, but uniquely affect the shear modulus in glasses. As glasses age, a persistent trend of stiffening emerges, in contrast to gels, which initially stiffen and subsequently soften. We attribute these differences to mechanisms minimizing free energy: structural ordering in glasses and interface reduction in gels. Our findings not only reveal distinct behaviours but also shed light on the origin and evolution of elasticity in non-equilibrium disordered solids, with implications for amorphous material application and design.



