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Ground Disturbance and Vibration Effects Under the Action of Subway Shield Tunneling
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s11204-024-09946-y
Chuigang Kong , Shaopeng Wen

The modern subway system has greatly alleviated the urban traffic congestion. However, it is difficult to avoid crossing paths with deformation-sensitive structures, such as high-speed railways and bridges, during subway construction. Based on the subgrade project of the Xulan High-Speed Railway under Xi’an Metro Line 1 in Shaanxi, China, this study performs numerical modeling to examine the dynamic load factors generated by high-speed railway operation and analyzes the disturbance and vibration effects of subway shield tunneling on soil layers with different stiffness. As the elastic modulus increases, the vibration response of the structure becomes weaker, which means that the disturbance effect on the soil becomes smaller. The refined simulation analysis of the highspeed rail dynamic load and shield tunneling provides valuable insight for theoretical application and engineering practice, especially regarding the management of disturbances caused by subway shield tunneling on surrounding structures.



