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Numerical Simulation of Cathode Nodule Local Effects
Metals ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.3390/met14040457
Xiaoyu Wang 1 , Chun Li 1 , Jun Tie 1

As one of the main factors decreasing current efficiency and product quality, the growth of nodules deserves attention in the copper electrorefining process. Three-dimensional (3D) Finite Element Method models combining tertiary current distribution and fluid flow were established in this study to investigate the details of the growth of columnar nodules, including the electrolyte flow around the nodule and its effects. Compared with an inert nodule, a significant impact of the electrochemical reaction of an active nodule has been observed on the fluid flow, which may be one of the reasons for the formation of small nodule clusters on the cathode. Furthermore, the local current density is not even on the nodule surface under the comprehensive influence of local electrolyte flow, local overvoltage, and the angle with the anode surface. Thus, the head of an active nodule grows faster than the root, and the upper parts grow faster than the lower parts, leading to asymmetric growth of the nodules.


