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Preservice elementary teachers’ noticing in reflections of rehearsal and classroom enactments during practice-based methods courses across three universities
Teaching and Teacher Education ( IF 3.782 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2024.104585
Anna Maria Arias , Sarah J. Fick , Amanda Benedict-Chambers

Teaching requires noticing through attending to, interpreting, and responding to significant instructional events. To support science learning, elementary teachers must learn the complex work of noticing integrated scientific sensemaking, where students make sense of phenomenon through disciplinary practices. Using qualitative case studies, researchers investigated preservice teachers' noticing when reflecting on rehearsal and classroom enactments within practice-based science methods courses at three universities. Analyses showed common patterns in the teachers’ reflection across the university such as more regularly privileging integrated sensemaking in rehearsal reflections compared to classroom enactment reflections. These findings have implications for rehearsal use within teacher education.


