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Insights for China from EU management of recycling end-of-life photovoltaic modules
Solar Energy ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2024.112532
Jie Wang , Yi Feng , Yaqun He

With the vigorous advancement of photovoltaic (PV) technology, the management of waste PV modules has emerged as a pivotal concern in the realms of environmental preservation and resource recovery. This study employs the European Union (EU) and China as case studies to conduct a comparative analysis of their respective policies and practices regarding the management of used PV modules. The EU has taken the lead in instituting the extended producer responsibility (EPR) framework, effectively realizing the sustainable recycling and utilization of discarded PV resources. In contrast, China's management of waste PV modules continues to confront several challenges. In response, this study puts forth recommendations for government, manufacturers, recyclers, and consumers. The government is advised to institute regulations for the effective management of waste photovoltaic modules, set clear collection targets, and broaden the scope of producer responsibility. Photovoltaic manufacturers are encouraged to establish internal recycling objectives and collaborative channels, while recyclers should cooperate with manufacturers to achieve efficient recycling and reuse. Consumers are urged to ensure proper disposal, heighten environmental awareness, and lend support to government initiatives. These suggestions are devised with the intention of guiding the enhancement of China's waste PV modules management, concurrently achieving the twin objectives of environmental conservation and resource utilization.