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Investigation of heat transfer and electrokinetic energy conversion efficiency on electromagnetohydrodynamic flow of couple stress fluid through a circular microchannel
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ( IF 7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2024.107381
Brijesh Kumar , Srinivas Jangili

The present study delves into the flow characteristics of a couple stress fluid under the influence of electromagnetic fields in a micro-circular-tube with a slippery inner surface. This investigation considers the flow to be actuated by pressure gradient, electromagnetic force, and induced streaming potential field with slip boundary condition. Mathematical model is developed to determine the solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (incorporating the Debye-Hückel approximation) for the electric potential within the electric double layer and the momentum equation for fluid flow under employing physically relevant boundary conditions. The analytical expressions for velocity, streaming potential, electroviscous effect, and efficiency of electrokinetic energy conversion are scrutinized. Further, the numerical solution is computed for the energy equation by employing finite difference method. The key findings of present investigation reveal that a higher non-Newtonian parameter leads to an enhancement in the velocity distribution, streaming potential field, and efficiency of electrokinetic energy conversion. In contrast, the electroviscous effect shows a contrasting behavior. Also, an electric field makes the temperature go up as the Hartmann number increases. But when there's no electric field, the temperature goes down. The discovery has wide-ranging implications for chemical processing and mixing, biochip construction for drug delivery, and biomedical engineering innovations.


