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Event-triggered Controlled Charger for Lithium Battery Packs
IEEE Latin America Transactions ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1109/tla.2024.10500713
Javier Blanco Rico 1 , Basil Mohammed Al-Hadithi 2

Event-triggered Control is a modification for digital based control systems that has gain popularity in recent years. This alteration in control algorithms offers advantages like reductions in computation times or even in the requirements of system's hardware bay reducing its processing and communications to the minimum required; allowing for less computation and communication time needed to perform control actions and making them relevant for environments with shared communication mediums or hardware handling multiple processes simultaneously. In this work, a comparison is presented between a classic control scheme and its event triggered counterpart when controlling a Power Source for a simple Lithium Battery Charger. The event triggered versions of the current programmed control and the voltage Proportional-Integral-Derivative controllers are designed to adhere to the maximum admissible errors of the system (voltage and current output ripple) and results are presented to show how the modifications manage to obtain equivalent results to thous of their classic continuous counterparts while minimizing control loop actuation and therefore improve computation and communications performance without hindering system efficiency. This results are specially relevant for such ubiquitous devices in complex systems like electric vehicles or portable consumer electronics, allowing for computation time to be dedicated to other tasks and freeing communication channels for other devices.


