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LCD-Based Angle-of-Arrival Estimation of Multiple Light Sources: Paving the Road to Multiuser VLC
IEEE Photonics Journal ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1109/jphot.2024.3388928
Andrej Harlakin 1 , Peter A. Hoeher 1

This paper extends previous work on liquid-crystal-display-based angle-of-arrival (AoA) estimation, initially performed for only a single light source (LS), by considering scenarios with multiple LSs. First, the system model is revisited to investigate parameters that influence detection of multiple LSs. Next, challenges such as separation of co-located LSs and ambiguities are investigated. It is identified that target separation gets increasingly challenging with decreasing distance between LSs, and AoA estimation developed for a single LS leads to ambiguities in scenarios with multiple LSs. These problems are solved by a novel angular separation algorithm and dedicated intensity measurements. Finally, two new experimental setups are introduced to investigate and model optical diffraction effects, and to verify theoretical derivations by measurement results.


基于 LCD 的多光源到达角估计:为多用户 VLC 铺平道路
