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Azophosphines: Synthesis, Structure and Coordination Chemistry
Chemistry - A European Journal ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1002/chem.202401358
Emma J. Jordan 1 , Ethan D. E. Calder 1 , Holly V. Adcock 1 , Louise Male 1 , Martin Nieger 2 , J. Chris Slootweg 3 , Andrew R. Jupp 4

The conceptual replacement of nitrogen with phosphorus in common organic functional groups unlocks new properties and reactivity. The phosphorus‐containing analogues of triazenes are underexplored but offer great potential as flexible and small bite‐angle ligands. This manuscript explores the synthesis and characterisation of a family of air‐stable azophosphine‐borane complexes, and their subsequent deprotection to the free azophosphines. These compounds are structurally characterised, both experimentally and computationally, and highlight the availability of the phosphorus lone pair for coordination. This is confirmed by demonstrating that neutral azophosphines can act as ligands in Ru complexes, and can coordinate as monodentate or bidentate ligands in a controlled manner, in contrast to their nitrogen analogues.


