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Monitoring of ozone production and depletion rates in a tritium-compatible system
Fusion Engineering and Design ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2024.114425
Dominic Batzler , Max Aker , Robin Größle , Daniel Kurz , Alexander Marsteller , Florian Priester , Michael Sturm , Peter Winney

As surfaces are exposed to tritium, they will inevitably accumulate it, leading to the tritium memory effect. In order to reduce this effect, e.g. in analytic systems, decontamination methods are required. UV/ozone decontamination is known to be an efficient method, but its fundamental mechanism is not well known. In a dedicated UHV-compatible experiment, this method will be investigated systematically. This work focuses on the pressure dependent ozone production and depletion rates, as well as equilibrium concentration. All three properties showed a linear dependence on pressure, but showed a change in slope over time, converging to a stable level. During UV/ozone exposure, a steady increase in CO concentration was observed in early measurements. Both effects indicate a cleaning effect of the setup's inner surfaces.


