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Resilient exponential tracking for disturbed systems with communication links faults
ISA Transactions ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.isatra.2024.03.028
Xinxiao Liu , Chuanjiang Li , Dongyu Li

Resilience is to appraise the ability of disturbed systems to recover cooperative performance after suffering from failures or disturbances. In this paper, the improvement on the exponential tracking resilience for disturbed Euler–Lagrange systems is explored by settling the unknown time-variant faults imposed on the communication interaction between agents. First, we transform the resilient exponential tracking problem into designing the trajectory and velocity observers for leaders, and showcase that the proposed observers are resilient to communication interaction malfunctions. Second, a disturbance observer is manifested to estimate disturbances precisely, which is needless to know the upper bound of disturbance. The reliable observers and estimator are incorporated into the resilient tracking control frame. Further, the global exponential stabilization of the tracking systems is performed by utilizing the Lyapunov theory. Moreover, benefiting from feasible and reliable observation and estimation results, the proposed control framework enables to realize a satisfactory resilient exponential tracking performance even in the case of communication links faults (CLFs) and disturbances. Comprehensive studies are executed on a group of satellite systems, and the simulations results verify the effectiveness of the proposed resilient approaches in a time-variant tracking case.


