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Influence of tidal regime and shelf circulation on sedimentary provenance changes in the middle Okinawa Trough of the East China Sea since the last deglaciation
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112197
Libo Wang , Yanguang Dou , Zhilei Sun , Bin Zhai , Xilin Zhang , Xianrong Zhang

Deciphering sedimentary provenance in the Okinawa Trough (OT) is vital for understanding the dispersal system from source to sink and the paleoenvironmental evolution in the East China Sea (ECS). Sources include the Huanghe, Changjiang, and Taiwan rivers, as well as the ECS shelf; however, there is controversy over which source has dominated sediment supply since the last deglaciation, and how the tidal currents, shelf circulation, and Kuroshio Current (KC) has controlled the sediment transport. Here, we present a high-resolution record of grain size and clay minerals over the last 14.3 kyrs in an AMS C dated piston core from the middle OT. We use these data to reconstruct changes in the KC, identify the provenance of fine-grained sediment, and unravel the impact of paleoenvironmental factors on these provenance changes. A grain size component of 15.6–31.3 μm was extracted to reconstruct the KC changes. These data show that the KC strengthened sharply until 10.2 ka, then kept strong and stable during the Holocene. Clay mineral assemblages indicate that the sediment was mainly derived from the ECS shelf between 14.3 and 8.6 ka, then from the Taiwan rivers after 8.6 ka. The shelf sediment was eroded and transported by intense tidal currents. Taiwan river sediment became the dominant source due to the development of Taiwan Warm Current rather than the strengthening of KC. The ratio of smectite and kaolinite to illite and chlorite content indicates that the sediment contribution from the Huanghe (old Huanghe delta) and Changjiang rivers increased from 7.6 to 5.0 ka and from 3.2 ka to the present. This increase is attributed to the strengthening of East Asian winter monsoon and the consequent intensification of cross-shelf circulation.