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Strain engineering in power-generating and self-powered nanodevices
Nano Energy ( IF 17.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2024.109551
Da Bin Kim , Ji Yeon Kim , Ju Han , Yong Soo Cho

Strain engineering has been extensively studied as a practical approach for controlling the electronic and optoelectronic properties of inorganic materials by deliberately imposing extra strain on crystals. Herein, recent advancements in strain engineering are introduced by focusing on how strain-engineering techniques have evolved to improve the performance of strain-sensitive nanodevices, such as piezoelectric nanogenerators, photodetectors, and pressure/strain sensors. Approaches for additionally straining the lattice are based on the application of internal or external stresses via lattice mismatch, chemical doping, defect engineering, deliberate in situ strain, and post-straining. The presence of such extra lattice strain in nanomaterials determines the level of lattice extension or contraction with respect to the applied stress, which can improve piezoelectricity and modulate the optical properties. The enhanced electromechanical power generation with extra strain is supposed to supply power for self-powered sensing devices. Zinc oxide, perovskites, and two-dimensional materials are covered in this review along with the structural origin of lattice modulations and their strain-sensitive power generation and sensing performance.


