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Exciton-exciton interaction: A quantitative comparison between complimentary phenomenological models
Physical Review B ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.109.155423
Pradeep Kumar , Bhaskar De , Rishabh Tripathi , Rohan Singh

Many-body interactions such as exciton-exciton interactions significantly affect the optical response of semiconductor nanostructures. These interactions can be rigorously modeled through microscopic calculations. However, these calculations can be computationally intensive and often lack physical insights. An alternative is to use phenomenological many-body-interaction models such as the modified optical Bloch equations and the anharmonic oscillator model. While both these models have separately been used to interpret experimental data, to the best of our knowledge, an explicit and direct correspondence between these models has not been established. Here, we show the empirical equivalence between these two complimentary models through two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy simulations. A quantitative correspondence between the parameters used to incorporate the exciton-exciton interactions in these two models are obtained. We also perform a quantitative comparison of these phenomenological models with experiments, which highlights their usefulness in interpreting experimental results.


