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Ab initiocalculations for configuration-coexisting states inS45: An extension fromS43
Physical Review C ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.109.l041301
Q. Yuan , J. G. Li , W. Zuo

The region of neutron-rich nuclei surrounding N=28 has garnered attention due to experimental and theoretical evidence indicating a diversity of shape and configuration coexistence. In the present Letter, we have performed a comprehensive study for these nuclei utilizing ab initio valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations with chiral nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon interactions. First, the band structures of S41,43 and Ar45 are established via calculated spectra and E2 maps. The results well reproduce the K=1/2 ground state band and the K=7/2 band built upon the 7/21 isomer in S43, which coexists with its 3/21 ground state. Subsequently, the band structures of neutron-rich N=27 and N=29 isotones are discussed, with a focus on the potential emergence of configuration coexistence and isomers. We predict the presence of a similar configuration-coexisting 7/21 isomeric state in S45, as an extension from S43. Furthermore, our calculations predict that the configuration-coexisting states also occur in the unbound Mg39 nucleus. Our ab initio calculations provide crucial insights into the collective structures of neutron-rich nuclei around N=28, specifically elucidating the phenomenon of configuration coexistence and isomers.


S45 中配置共存状态的从头计算:S43 的扩展
