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Body mass index, waist circumference, and mortality in subjects older than 80 years: a Mendelian randomization study
European Heart Journal ( IF 39.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae206
Yuebin Lv 1 , Yue Zhang 2 , Xinwei Li 1, 3 , Xiang Gao 4 , Yongyong Ren 2 , Luojia Deng 2 , Lanjing Xu 1, 5 , Jinhui Zhou 1 , Bing Wu 1, 6 , Yuan Wei 1, 3 , Xingyao Cui 1, 3 , Zinan Xu 1, 7 , Yanbo Guo 1, 3 , Yidan Qiu 1, 5 , Lihong Ye 1, 8 , Chen Chen 1 , Jun Wang 1 , Chenfeng Li 1, 9 , Yufei Luo 1, 9 , Zhaoxue Yin 10 , Chen Mao 7 , Qiong Yu 3 , Hui Lu 2 , Virginia Byers Kraus 11 , Yi Zeng 12 , Shilu Tong 1, 13 , Xiaoming Shi 1

Background and Aims Emerging evidence has raised an obesity paradox in observational studies of body mass index (BMI) and health among the oldest-old (aged ≥80 years), as an inverse relationship of BMI with mortality was reported. This study was to investigate the causal associations of BMI, waist circumference (WC), or both with mortality in the oldest-old people in China. Methods A total of 5306 community-based oldest-old (mean age 90.6 years) were enrolled in the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS) between 1998 and 2018. Genetic risk scores were constructed from 58 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with BMI and 49 SNPs associated with WC to subsequently derive causal estimates for Mendelian randomization (MR) models. One-sample linear MR along with non-linear MR analyses were performed to explore the associations of genetically predicted BMI, WC, and their joint effect with all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality, and non-CVD mortality. Results During 24 337 person-years of follow-up, 3766 deaths were documented. In observational analyses, higher BMI and WC were both associated with decreased mortality risk [hazard ratio (HR) 0.963, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.955–0.971 for a 1-kg/m2 increment of BMI and HR 0.971 (95% CI 0.950–0.993) for each 5 cm increase of WC]. Linear MR models indicated that each 1 kg/m2 increase in genetically predicted BMI was monotonically associated with a 4.5% decrease in all-cause mortality risk [HR 0.955 (95% CI 0.928–0.983)]. Non-linear curves showed the lowest mortality risk at the BMI of around 28.0 kg/m2, suggesting that optimal BMI for the oldest-old may be around overweight or mild obesity. Positive monotonic causal associations were observed between WC and all-cause mortality [HR 1.108 (95% CI 1.036–1.185) per 5 cm increase], CVD mortality [HR 1.193 (95% CI 1.064–1.337)], and non-CVD mortality [HR 1.110 (95% CI 1.016–1.212)]. The joint effect analyses indicated that the lowest risk was observed among those with higher BMI and lower WC. Conclusions Among the oldest-old, opposite causal associations of BMI and WC with mortality were observed, and a body figure with higher BMI and lower WC could substantially decrease the mortality risk. Guidelines for the weight management should be cautiously designed and implemented among the oldest-old people, considering distinct roles of BMI and WC.