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Watching Grass Grow: Long-term Visual Navigation and Mission Planning for Autonomous Biodiversity Monitoring
arXiv - CS - Robotics Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: arxiv-2404.10446
Matthew Gadd, Daniele De Martini, Luke Pitt, Wayne Tubby, Matthew Towlson, Chris Prahacs, Oliver Bartlett, John Jackson, Man Qi, Paul Newman, Andrew Hector, Roberto Salguero-Gómez, Nick Hawes

We describe a challenging robotics deployment in a complex ecosystem to monitor a rich plant community. The study site is dominated by dynamic grassland vegetation and is thus visually ambiguous and liable to drastic appearance change over the course of a day and especially through the growing season. This dynamism and complexity in appearance seriously impact the stability of the robotics platform, as localisation is a foundational part of that control loop, and so routes must be carefully taught and retaught until autonomy is robust and repeatable. Our system is demonstrated over a 6-week period monitoring the response of grass species to experimental climate change manipulations. We also discuss the applicability of our pipeline to monitor biodiversity in other complex natural settings.


