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Cloud detection method using ground-based sky images based on clear sky library and superpixel local threshold
Renewable Energy ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2024.120452
Yinsen Niu , Jifeng Song , Lianglin Zou , Zixuan Yan , Xilong Lin

In the intra-hour time scale, shielding of solar radiation by clouds is the main reason for the fluctuation of photovoltaic, so cloud parameters are important for intra-hour solar irradiance and photovoltaic power forecasting. Extracting cloud regions from cloud images provides a basis for quantifying cloud size and shape. It is difficult to detect clouds in these three cases, such as clouds in circumsolar region, clouds in haze weather and thin clouds at cloud edge. Aiming at such problems, this study firstly establishes a clear sky library based on pixel-level sun positions and haze conditions to deal with the complex changes of sky brightness. Then this study proposes a cloud detection method for ground-based images, which performs two segmentations on the cloud image. The initial segmentation process is a combination method that uses clear sky library method when the sun is visible and uses adaptive threshold method when the sun is occluded. The secondary segmentation process is based on superpixels and local threshold method, which restores some thin clouds that are easily ignored. Finally, for the influence of ghosts, this study summarizes the position and color features of ghosts, and uses different color channel information to deal with them.


