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A modified weak Galerkin finite element method for the Maxwell equations on polyhedral meshes
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2024.115918
Chunmei Wang , Xiu Ye , Shangyou Zhang

We introduce a new numerical method for solving time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations via the modified weak Galerkin technique. The inter-element functions of the weak Galerkin finite elements are replaced by the average of the two discontinuous polynomial functions on the two sides of the polygon, in the modified weak Galerkin (MWG) finite element method. With the dependent inter-element functions, the weak curl and the weak gradient are defined directly on totally discontinuous polynomials. Optimal-order convergence of the method is proved. Numerical examples confirm the theory and show effectiveness of the modified weak Galerkin method over the existing methods.


