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Kinetic equilibrium reconstruction with internal safety factor profile constraints on EAST tokamak
Plasma Science and Technology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 , DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ad0d48
Haochen 皓尘 FAN 樊 , Guoqiang 国强 LI 李 , Jinping 金平 QIAN 钱 , Xuexi 学习 ZHANG 张 , Xiaohe 潇河 WU 邬 , Yuqi 宇奇 CHU 储 , Xiang 翔 ZHU 朱 , Hui 辉 LIAN 连 , Haiqing 海庆 LIU 刘 , Bo 波 LYU 吕 , Yifei 仡飞 JIN 金 , Qing 庆 ZANG 臧 , Jia 佳 HUANG 黄

Reconstruction of plasma equilibrium plays an important role in the analysis and simulation of plasma experiments. The kinetic equilibrium reconstruction with pressure and edge current constraints has been employed on EAST tokamak. However, the internal safety factor (q) profile is not accurate. This paper proposes a new way of incorporating q profile constraints into kinetic equilibrium reconstruction. The q profile is yielded from the Polarimeter Interferometer (POINT) reconstruction. Virtual probes containing information on q profile constraints are added to inputs of the kinetic equilibrium reconstruction program to obtain the final equilibrium. The new equilibrium produces a more accurate internal q profile. This improved method would help analyze EAST experiments.


EAST 托卡马克内部安全系数轮廓约束的动力学平衡重建

等离子体平衡的重建在等离子体实验的分析和模拟中发挥着重要作用。在 EAST 托卡马克上采用了压力和边缘电流约束的动力学平衡重建。然而,内部安全系数(q) 个人资料不准确。本文提出了一种新的整合方式q轮廓约束进入动力学平衡重建。这q轮廓是由旋光干涉仪 (POINT) 重建产生的。虚拟探针包含以下信息q将轮廓约束添加到动力学平衡重建程序的输入中以获得最终平衡。新的平衡产生更准确的内部q轮廓。这种改进的方法将有助于分析 EAST 实验。