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Seasonal Patterns of Mpox Index Cases, Africa, 1970–2021
Emerging Infectious Diseases ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.3201/eid3005.230293
Camille Besombes , Festus Mbrenga , Ella Gonofio , Christian Malaka , Cedric-Stephane Bationo , Jean Gaudart , Manon Curaudeau , Alexandre Hassanin , Antoine Gessain , Romain Duda , Tamara Giles Vernick , Arnaud Fontanet , Emmanuel Nakouné , Jordi Landier

Across 133 confirmed mpox zoonotic index cases reported during 1970–2021 in Africa, cases occurred year-round near the equator, where climate is consistent. However, in tropical regions of the northern hemisphere under a dry/wet season cycle, cases occurred seasonally. Our findings further support the seasonality of mpox zoonotic transmission risk.


1970-2021 年非洲 Mpox 指数病例的季节性模式

1970 年至 2021 年非洲报告的 133 例确诊的 MPOX 人畜共患指数病例中,病例全年发生在气候一致的赤道附近。然而,在干湿季循环的北半球热带地区,病例呈季节性发生。我们的研究结果进一步支持mpox人畜共患传播风险的季节性。
