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Analyzing Stress and Strain Concentration in the Inelastic Region for Strengthening and Softening Materials
Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1134/s1052618824020109
N. A. Makhutov


The processes of elastic and elastoplastic deformation in concentration zones are analyzed for the case of different levels of rated stresses and resistance with respect to plastic strains. Based on the calculated and experimental data, it is shown that, with a decrease in the strengthening index in the inelastic region, the inhomogeneity of the strain distribution exhibits an increase. At the same time, the strain concentration coefficients increase and the stress concentration coefficients decrease. Special cases are considered when the latter are less than unity. This is important for justifying the strength, service life, survivability, and safety of new objects of the technosphere made of special structural materials and operated under extreme thermomechanical loading conditions, including the conditions inherent in nuclear power plants in normal modes and emergency situations.




