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The Potential of Lectins and Their Recognized Glycoconjugates in the Human Body
Biology Bulletin Reviews Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1134/s2079086424020075
M. V. Lakhtin , V. M. Lakhtin , A. Yu. Mironov , V. A. Aleshkin , S. S. Afanasyev , S. Yu. Kombarova


The modern concepts of lectins and glycoconjugates binding to them, the features and patterns of their interaction, and the protective role and potential in the human body are summarized. The analysis of terms and approaches to classifications of lectins is carried out. The features of natural and synthetic glycoconjugates, recognized and bound by lectins, in symbiotic relationships, in innate immunity at the reception level are emphasized. The levels of specificity of lectins are considered. There is a need to expand research on the glycoconjugate specificity of lectins and their systems and to assess the communication potential of glycoconjugates in relation to any protein combinations and systems as lectins. The participation of lectin and glycoconjugate systems in signal transmission and communication is noted. Lectins manifest themselves as basic for superstructure glycoconjugate effectors in soluble and solid cell phases in cascade directed assemblies forming the interactome network. Lectins and glycoconjugates, as inextricably co-functioning, are promising in biology, medicine, and biotechnologies.




