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Steps on a Journey of Personal and Professional Development [Pathways]
IEEE Industry Applications Magazine ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1109/mias.2023.3346699
Nehad El-Sherif

Born in Hyderabad, India, Gautami Bhatt recalled a consistent, pervasive, and deep curiosity for the intimate intricacies of machinery and their ethereal but fascinating mechanisms of action being a constant presence in her growing years. Alongside her fascination, she also drew inspiration from the stories of those who came before her, most notably Michael Faraday, who made significant contributions in electromagnetism and electrochemistry, although he started his career as an apprentice. During high school, Bhatt was genuinely interested in science, especially mathematics and physics. These childhood experiences had led her to choose electrical engineering as her field of study and future career path.


