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Numerical and mechanical analysis of laminated PA11/twill basalt composites with enhanced flame behavior
Composite Structures ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118123
Ilaria Papa , Matteo Bruno , Francesco Napolitano , Luca Esposito , Valentina Lopresto , Pietro Russo

The development of new material configuration is a challenge which requires different steps of characterization. From the mechanical characterization, which is the starting point to determine the application fields, until the evaluation of the safety aspects in case of human contact use or in vehicle and building interiors. Nowadays, the integration with the numerical simulation is strategically important to make a further step in the obtainment of a model for rapid prevision of the mechanical response in different components. In this research study is provided a complete characterization of new composite material constituted by PA11 resin with flame retardant and basalt twill; the mechanical properties are evaluated through flexural and impact tests, also the fire resistance is assessed through the flammability test. Then a numerical model for mechanical response simulation was developed and compared with experimental results. This is driven by the need to expand the comprehension on the damage mechanisms generated by low velocity impacts. The results show an excellent behavior of this composite, with high fire resistance and mechanical properties which suggest proper use in aircraft interiors. Moreover, the good correspondence between numerical and experimental results gives a model which is suitable to design other PA11/basalt composite workpieces.


具有增强火焰行为的层压 PA11/斜纹玄武岩复合材料的数值和力学分析
