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Estimation and inference of seller’s expected revenue in first-price auctions
Journal of Econometrics ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2024.105734
Federico Zincenko

I propose an estimator for the seller’s expected revenue function in a first-price sealed-bid auction with independent private values and symmetric bidders, who can exhibit constant relative risk aversion and bid according to the Bayesian Nash equilibrium. I build the proposed estimator from pseudo-private values, which can be estimated from observed bids, and show that it is pointwise and uniformly consistent: the corresponding optimal nonparametric rates of convergence can be achieved. Then I construct asymptotically valid confidence intervals and uniform confidence bands. Suggestions for critical values are based on first-order asymptotics, as well as on the bootstrap method.


